

In the core of our teaching philosophy is that your English teacher should be an English native (i.e. English should be to them their first language). And all our teachers are.

Our teaching method is derived from Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and it’s a fabulous language immersion method that aims at teaching about topics such as drama, science, English history, geography and art to students through a foreign language.

It is a dual-focused education, using language across the curriculum and making content the king. Unlike traditional language teaching strategies, CLIL promotes education through construction rather than instruction. It’s aiming for fluency, not accuracy.

CLIL is a fantastic method to empower students of all ages and levels of fluency. By teaching CLIL lessons, we’re giving students the tools to grow, acquire and activate cross-disciplinary skills by using a language different from their own. It’s also a great method to promote positive attitudes towards language learning from an early stage. Students won’t be corrected on every single error they make. Instead, they’ll be encouraged to keep talking and learning in the language, which lets them feel good about their ability to communicate from the get-go.

CLIL supports critical thinking and collaboration skills. Students won’t be spoon-fed their language lessons, but rather they’ll need to pay attention, observe and learn the language by learning about other subjects in that language. They can look to their peers to support them in this process. Concretely, we are spending time discussing subjects like English history and travel. They’ll learn these subjects while learning English. CLIL curriculum balances bilingual education and language learning. Rather than being the focus of teaching, language becomes a tool for communication. Repeated exposure and stimulation helps students to assimilate the language while learning content that will greatly expand their horizons and promote curiosity.

CLIL then mixes the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing within this immersion method (completely using English language) and enables diving into the language completely, starting as young as possible, making English become second nature to our students. All topics are designed so that they are FUN, INTERESTING, and ENGAGING for particular age. For all of our courses we use CAMBRIDGE BOOKS to prepare our students to pass the exam at the end of the semester.